Two peas in a pod

My sister and I are five years a part in age, but she is one of my best friends.  We have similar tastes in most things and share an avid love for concerts and traveling among other things.  Both of us are bridesmaids in friends' weddings this summer and both of us have been thinking of ideas for the bachelorette parties. Despite living two hours apart and only seeing each other every so often, we somehow managed to plan the same party without even knowing it. We both thought of our own ideas and when talking to each other about what we were thinking, we realized....we were planning the same party. I started from the plates and napkins that another bridesmaid and I found a few weeks ago.  I volunteered to do drinks for the get together and from there I have went on a decorating/planning spree.  I attended a bachelorette in the fall where we had pink mixed drinks in pink martini glasses.  It was very cute and I liked that idea.  I went on a search for pink martini glasses and in the process came up with some more ideas.  It seems like every time we talk to each other or text about decorations, food, etc. we realize there is something else that is similar or the same.  After this, at least we know for the future, that we could definitely plan events together.
We both came up with pink and green as the main colors for the decoartions and food/drink. 
We both purchased tissue paper to make tissue pom poms for decoartions. 
We both had the idea for a banner (although, so far I haven't found paper I love and am considering a pom pom garland instead). 
We both had the idea to have pink flowers. 
We both bought pink beads for the guests. 
We were both thinking about pink drinks. 
We both purchased pink candy. 
We both bought the same hot pink tin pales from Target (only to realize this after the fact).  
She got a sash, we picked out a veil for our bride.
She's having cookies, I'm making cupcakes.
And we are both probably putting way more time and energy into these than expected of us. 
I am having fun with it.  I have said before that I would love to plan parties and design things ( I think it is my love for crafts).  This is just a way to get to do something special for the bride-to-be while getting to do what I love.  If anything this is a test of my planning and design skills to see if I can actually produce the ideas in my head.  I have been all over the blog-o-sphere over the last couple of weeks and have ideas every other minute.  If only, I could retain all those ideas for the future.  I plan on putting some of the ideas to use for Mother's day, but the rest will have to wait for another party or event.
Check back in May for a photo update comparing our final products because ironically, they are only a week apart.


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