Thanksgiving Recap

Thanksgiving is a time to spend giving thanks and appreciating what you have.  We were lucky enough to get to have two different Friendsgivings (on the same weekend no less) this year.  We got together at Devin and Jake's house down in Indy with all the girls from college one night and then the next day had dinner at Dan and Kalysa's here in town. It was so much fun!  I am sure I ate wayyyyy too much (delicious) food, but it was well worth it to spend some quality time with my favorite people!
Thanksgiving for us was a whirlwind trip.  I drove down to my parents' house after work on the day before Turkey Day so I could spend a little extra time with them since Wyatt had to work until 11 that night.  He drove down and picked up Allison on Thanksgiving morning and they met up at my aunt's house for the Easterday Thanksgiving with my mom's family.  We had lunch there and hung out for a while before hitting the road and heading back to Lafayette for Thanksgiving dinner with Wyatt's family.  It was a long two days but well worth it.  I enjoy every chance I get to spend time with family.  

Wyatt, Allison, and I with Papaw at Thanksgiving

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