Labor Day Day Trip

Wyatt and I decided we wanted to do something fun and out of our ordinary yesterday for Labor Day.  We tend to get in a rut of doing the same things over and over.  We decided it was much too hot to go to the Orchard in Hobart like I had been hoping we could do.  We got up and decided Wyatt's idea of a day trip to Champaign-Ubrana, Illinois.

On our way over, Wyatt took me to his old hometown where he grew up until he moved to Lafayette when he was in second grade.  It was so fun to get to see Ogden and St. Jospeh after hearing many stories from Wyatt, his family, and their friends over the last three years.  I got to see his old house and his grandparents' old house.  We continues on to Champaign to have lunch at Destihl.

It was delicious.  We split the Bavarian pretzels as an appetizer.  They were some of the best soft pretzels I have had.  I tried the fish and chips for lunch because I am a sucker for fish and chips.  These were really good.  I especially enjoyed the habanero-infused vinegar to go with the fish.  After lunch, we drove around the area a little bit and found the street that Wyatt's mom grew up on but didn't have the house number to check out the specific house.  Then we drove over to campus and walked around just a little bit.  It was hot so we were only out and about for a half hour or so but it was fun.
the Quad

Our quick little adventure was a lot of fun.  The campus was pretty and the downtown area was cute and looked like it had plenty to do.  I hope we return sometime in the future.

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