welcome to cyberspace!

This week my Papaw got himself a new computer and the internet for the first time ever.  I am excited to have him online.  I do not get to visit with him as much as I used to because of the scheduling of my jobs, but now I know I will be able to drop him a line and check on how he is doing whenever I want! I can also share pictures and stories with him easier now, even when I am not able to see him in person!  My Papaw has had an interesting last few months.  He flew for the first time in a jet with my parents in October to Arizona (my dad and him are in the picture above watching the harvest of a cotton field in AZ) to visit my uncle...and now he is online.  He's going to be the hippest 91 year old out there, I know it.  So I am saying welcome to him with this post.  I hope he starts reading my blog and can see what I am up to more easily.  Can't wait to see him in two weeks for Christmas, but for now email will certainly do!

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