You can take the girl out of the college, but never the college out of the girl....

It is drawing nearer to the best week of the year for an IU student.  For those who do not go to IU, they just don't get it on the same level as the students/alumni.  Spring in Bloomington is indescribable.  It's a gorgeous campus and town in the Spring.  Something magical floats around this time of year.  Of course, I'm completely biased on the subject.  As a freshman, I really had no idea what to expect.  You hear all of these stories from classmates and friends and the anticipation builds...but I found myself locked in the library most of the week (clearly my professors didn't know about the student proclaimed holiday).  Some of my best memories from college with my friends occurred during Little 5.  Out of all that I miss about college and Bloomington, I think this is what I miss the most.  We all worked extra hard to get homework and studying done in advanced in order to hang out all week long.  How much fun did we all have together? Cookouts, bags, concerts, porches, beer olympics, beer pong, frats, random nights with no plans, house parties, bars, etc. etc.  Hey, IU, I'll see you next weekend to reminisce with my friends about good times...and maybe make a few great memories along the way! (I'm so excited to see all my TBO loves anddddd Amanda anddddd a slew of other random friends from four years there...we're all having separation issues)

Who wants to watch 'Breaking Away' now?

Ps. Here's a little tiny trip down memory lane via pictures, one from each year of college.

Freshman year edition: The girls who became family, HH.

Sophomore year edition: Happy to have one of my best friends from high school visit!

Junior year edition: We will always love Rabb 1.

Junior year part 2: this was the best year so it warrants two pictures. Had so much fun with you three that day!

Senior year edition: Washington girls.

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