Mamaw's Famous Squash Pie

Mamaw Majel and Me
The holidays are right around the corner and today during our visit with my Papaw, my mom asked to see some of my Mamaw's recipes.  This one is my favorite desserts and probably one of my favorite things that my Mamaw used to make.  She always had one ready for the holidays and it seemed like she almost always had one waiting for me and my sister when we'd go have lunch or spend the weekend with Mamaw and Papaw.  I loved her pie so much that my Granny even tried her hand at making a squash pie for my sister and I one time that we stayed with her.

I started making Mamaw's squash pie recipe about 5 years ago, and I'm happy to report that her famous squash pie will live on for at least another generation.

Just mix the ingredients, pour into a pie shell and cook until the crust is golden and the filling sets up. I usually start with thirty to forty minutes and add time accordingly.

Happy baking!

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