Very Thankful.

I'm a little behind on getting a post up about Thanksgiving, but the last week just got away from me.  Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It was a wonderful few days.  I got to show Wyatt the traditional Wednesday before Thanksgiving Washington v. Barr Reeve basketball game in the Hatchet House.  In between the JV and Varsity they retired the #40 jersey in honor of Luke, Tyler, and Cody Zeller.  Cody was able to make an appearance and cheer on his alma mater too.

On Thanksgiving we went to my aunt's house for lunch with my mom's side of the family.  We had a good little visit with my Papaw that included a few songs on the guitar for us too.

That evening I went up to Lafayette with Wyatt and we stopped by and had dinner at his parents' house and spent some time visiting with them.  I spent the rest of the weekend up there and we had a good time hanging out with some friends.  We even got to go to breakfast with his grandpa and mom one morning.  It was a wonderful weekend that just seemed to fly right by....they say time flies when you're having fun.

Pretty sunset on my way back to Washington to end a perfect weekend

I definitely have a lot to be thankful for...and I'm glad I got to spend a few days with loved ones taking it all in and remembering all that I am thankful for this year.

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