Retirement: World's longest summer break

Mom and her friend Melodie (above right) are both retiring this year.

This week marks my mom's last week as a teacher at Barr Reeve Junior Senior High School bringing her 36 year teaching career to an end.  Over the years she has surely touched the lives of many, many people.  Mom taught Home Economics or what is known as Family and Consumer Sciences nowadays.

I have many memories from growing up that involve Barr Reeve, my mom's teaching, or her students.  Whether it was running into former students at the grocery store or getting to help mom in her classroom, there is always something I could count on to display just how much she put into what she did.  Although many changes have occurred to the school, curriculum, and thing that hasn't changed (ok, maybe two if you consider the pillows sewn by the Jr. High kids for the last 20-25 years) is her dedication to her role as a teacher.

I watched as she created and grew an impressive internship and cadet teaching program while spending much of her own time over summer break to assure it was the best it could be for each student accepted into both programs.  She was sponsor to FHA which eventually turned into FCCLA and later into FACS club.  Although I always knew about the various service projects and outings that the members took part in, I recently browsed through her BR photo albums on Facebook and it put it all in better perspective.  FHA, FCCLA, and FACS clubs have helped a tremendous amount of people over the years.

Just a few pictures from over the years
I remember countless visits to school with my mom.  Some were just trips with her while she worked on some odds and ends in her classroom; others were to games, graduations, grand marches, and senior plays.  Most are great memories from my childhood.  I could go on and on about all the wonderful qualities I see in my mom through her teaching, but I know that those qualities have all been evident in how she has affected the lives of her students.  Whether it was the '05 kids decorating and going all out for her 50th birthday or just running into former students who still genuinely value all the learned from her, it is clear that I'm not the only one who sees these special qualities.

I am proud of you, Mom.  I am proud of all that you have been as a teacher, and look forward to watching you enjoy retirement!  You deserve it!

Love you,


  1. Amanda, you are so right about your mom. He as touched so many lives in such a positive way during her lifetime, both in teaching and just living. She is indeed very special. I am so happy for her and pray that she enjoys every minute of retirement.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful post. Love you so much for your kind words.
