Forecastle Recap

Pardon my delay on getting my recap of Forecastle weekend up on the blog.  I have been busy the last couple of weeks!  I took off on the Friday of Forecastle.  Since Wyatt had come down the night before, we got up early and made our way to Jeffersonville to have lunch and visit with his Grandma.  It was so nice to see her house, have lunch with her on the riverfront, and take a little walking tour of the Jeff with her.  We ate on the patio at the Bristol right on the river and could see across to the Forecastle site.  It was such a pretty, sunshiny day!  We took a little walk after lunch and then she took us for ice cream! 
Our view from lunch

After ice cream, we headed across the river and checked into the hotel.  After freshening up, we headed down to the river front and went in to the Festival.  On Friday we saw part of or all of the following sets: Houndmouth, Big Boi, Old Crow Medicine Show, Moon Taxi, Young the Giant, and String Cheese Incident. Wyatt's favorite from day 1 was Moon Taxi.  We only caught part of the set, but it was a pleasant surprise.  There were fireworks during part of Young the Giant's set, as per usual for Forecastle. 
Row 1:  Houndmouth | Big Boi | Festival Feature
Row 2: OCMS | River | Moon Taxi
Row 3: Fireworks | Young the Giant | String Cheese Incident
Old Crow Medicine Show
On Saturday, Wyatt and I met Morgan and Rob for lunch at the Cafe.  It was so nice to see Morgan and catch up and to finally meet Rob.  After lunch we headed into the Festival and saw Foxygen for a short while before they evacuated the grounds due to threat of bad weather.  We waited around a little bit before we finally walked back to the hotel.  We were only there a few minutes before we heard that the grounds were open again so we made the short trek back. It never did more than just a little drizzle downtown but we heard outskirts of Louisville got some heavy rain at that time.  We went back in, ate, and then headed to the Bourbon Lodge where we ran into Allison and Beth.  After we finished in the Lodge we went to the main stage.  We watched the Alabama Shakes.  After them, we moved up some for Jim James and then we moved up even more for the Black Keys.  I have seen both the Black Keys and Jim James before...but those two sets were my favorite of the whole weekend.  The Black Keys set is probably in my top 5 favorite shows right now.  It was so good and so much fun!
I finally got to use my Lilly koozie.  I found it ironic that it was on a PBR. 
Row 1: Wyatt and Me before lunch | Foxygen | Inside the Bourbon Lodge
Row 2:  Alabama Shakes | Crowd for days | Jim James
Row 3: Black Keys! | Black Keys! | Black Keys!
The Black Keys

On Sunday we got up and got ready and then met Allison and Beth at a brewery called Against the Grain.  We had brunch and then we walked down the street to the NuLu District.  Why Louisville has a store there now too! We went into it and then walked back down to Garage Bar for drinks and dessert.  I had the Ginger Shandy with Bourbon.  It was delicious! Wyatt and I split some beignets. After Garage Bar, we headed over to the Festival for the last day.  For the last day we only saw Grace Potter & the Nocturnals and Robert Plant and the Sensations Space Shifters.  Both sets were excellent.  I saw GP&N for the first time at my first Forecastle three years ago.  She definitely did not disappoint. Since the likelihood of Zeppelin reuniting for a tour and me actually getting to go to a show is very slim, seeing Plant is more than likely as close to seeing Led Zeppelin as I will get.  I was overjoyed when they played 'Going to California' as that is my favorite Zeppelin song.  During Plant's set the sky looked very ominous.  At the point it started sprinkling, Wyatt and I packed up and headed towards the car to wait things out.  It started pouring on us when we were about to the car.  We waited it out there but upon checking pictures on social media decided to forego seeing the Avett Brothers that night because the grounds were a muddy mess.  As we headed west on I-64 the sky cleared up and we saw a pretty sunset to end a fantastic weekend!
Row 1: Garage Bar | Fun house mirror inside Why Louisville | Festival Decor
Row 2: Happy Forecastle | Grace Potter & the Nocturnals | Robert Plant
Row 3: Wyatt and I in front of the main stage | Ominous skies before the downpour | Pretty sunset
Here is my festival fashion from the weekend.

Until next year, 

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