Currently Listening: Songs from PLL

I have mentioned before that I am addicted to the television show, Pretty Little Liars. This season is starting to really heat up.  Of course the implied hints and cliffhangers are starting to get better and better because we're nearing the summer break. 

Lately I have been noticing how great the show's creators have been at pairing music selections with scenes.  Literally almost perfect pairings.  Little known fact about me: I used to want to work in the industry pairing songs with tv shows, movies, commercials, etc.  I have quickly found a purchased several songs over the course of this season.  Here are some of my favorites.

Click the playlist to open in Spotify

Freight Train might be my favorite song placement so far this season. It played as Hanna was packing her mom's court clothes and seemed to convey the exact emotions the writers wanted Ashley to portray in Hanna's character through the mood and lyrics of the song and sound o the music. 

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