Holliday Park and Nature Center

Yesterday, I went to Indy for the afternoon.  Allison was co-hosting a baby shower for her BFF and needed an extra set of hands to help set up.  They had the shower in the nature center at Holliday Park.  I helped her set up and then I ran a couple of errands - including the all important Flying Cupcake run.  I spent the rest of the time reading outside at the park on a beautiful spring day!

Allison helped throw together a darling French themed bebe shower for Ellie.  So much cuteness.  I only wish I had more pictures to share of the finished product!
An Amanda Condra Designs print accented the food table

Food table in progress.

Today, Wyatt and I spent the afternoon with his mom to celebrate her birthday which is why the Flying Cupcake visit was so necessary.  Happy Birthday, Nancy!

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