Marco Benevento (And Chicago)

It was just a few weeks ago I made the comment about being done with shows for the year...and then my sister asked me to go to Chicago with her to see Marco Benevento.  How could I turn down a quick trip to Chicago and a show with my sister? The answer: I couldn't.  Allison picked me up Saturday morning and we made our way to the city.  We walked around the Riverwalk before heading to Michigan Avenue for some shopping.  We ended up having lunch at Lou Malnati's because we had to have some deep dish pizza.

We HAD to stop at the Cupcake ATM

We checked in to our hotel, the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel and immediately fell in love with the place.  It was so cool.  We definitely want to go back there some time.  The hotel has a few restaurants/bars located inside and we had to walk through the Game Room to get to our elevator. The hotel is in a building that was completed in 1893 and was home to the the private club.  The conversion into the present hotel is gorgeous.  I love all the odes to the history of the building.
After we relaxed for a bit we went down to the ground floor and grabbed some Shake Shack for dinner.  Then we headed out for the Tonic Room in Lincoln Park for the Marco Benevento concert.  I had seen Marco when he had the Benevento Russo Duo back in 2006 a couple of times so it has been a while.  The venue was very small so it was a nice intimate show.  
For size reference. We were about mid-way back from the front door here and in the middle by its width.
A video posted by Amanda Condra 🍍🎀💄 (@ascondra) on

It was a fun show! I was certainly tired after walking around all day, standing the entire show, and being out until 3:30 my time.  I already can't wait to visit Chicago again.  I love that city.

Oh, and did I mention that Allison and I are going to a holiday Death Cab show in Indy in December.  Guess I'm not quite done with concerts this year yet.

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