Home Sweet Home: IU Homecoming 2015

Wyatt and I were itching to get back to IU for a quick visit so we decided to get tickets to the Homecoming game against Rutgers.  We were already going to be headed to Southern Indiana for my Papaw's 96th birthday party that evening so we decided to make a day of it!  We got to town just in time to have lunch at my favorite spot, Kilroys!  A long island and stuffed breadsticks always takes me back to my college days in Bloomington.  After lunch we took the opportunity to walk around campus a little bit before we walked to the stadium for the game.

Fall in Bloomington is one of my absolute favorites!  The weather was perfect for us!  We walked over to the game.  It was my first football game since I was a senior (and okay, maybe only my 3rd or 4th actual game).  We were doing great and were up when we needed to leave to head to the birthday bash but by the time we turned the radio on we were tied 52 all.  Much to our dismay, we ended up losing by 3 in the final seconds of the game.

We managed to make it Papaw's party in time for the champagne toast and the music from the band, as well as a performance by my Papaw himself.

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