Best Friends

Yesterday we went to Indianapolis to celebrate our friend Todd's 30th birthday with everyone.  It was great to be able to get together with almost all the girls (we missed Dana, Devin, and Morgan) as well as all their guys!  We all hung out at Beth and Shawn's house before going out downtown to Punch Bowl Social. It's been a while since this many of us were in one place at the same time so we had to get a group picture. I love these girls and the guys so much!

Also, yesterday morning I got my hair done.  I was on the fence of exactly what I wanted so I talked over all my options with my stylist and she just took it from there.  In the end it came out perfect!  I wanted something new for spring/summer.  It's so much lighter than I thought I'd ever be comfortable with when I started this hair color journey but I love it!

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