
On Tuesday night we went down to Indy to go to Wilco with my sister.  We tried to have dinner at Burgerhaus before but they had a longer wait than we anticipated.  We also walked down the canal and tried to eat at Fresco but it was closed.  In the end we stopped in at Yats and had a quick dinner before the show.  We made our way over to White River State Park for the concert.  I love concerts at the Lawn.  I love being right downtown.

Wilco was great! I've seen them several times but hadn't seen them for a few years.  With storms and rain on and off throughout the day, we were worried we would have bad weather but we got lucky! We watched a lightning show off in the distance during the last portion of the concert and Wyatt and I drove home through some heavy rain but we managed to stay dry at the concert.

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Ashes of American Flags
Normal American Kids
If I Ever Was A Child
Cry All Day
Company In My Back
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
Art of Almost
Pickled Ginger
Sunken Treasure
Someone to Lose
War On War
Via Chicago
Impossible Germany
We Aren't the World (Safety Girl)
Box Full of Letters
I'm Always In Love
Heavy Metal Drummer
I'm the Man Who Loves You
The Late Greats

Random Name Generator
Jesus, Etc.
Spiders (Kidsmoke)

California Stars

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