We're hosting a combined Friendsgiving/Christmas holiday get together tonight. Our group of friends is just as busy as we are so it was a struggle to come up with date but we managed to get about half of our group on board! Maybe we will get lucky and find another time to get together closer to Christmas with the whole gang! I'm sharing some Pinterest party finds and some tips to host a party without a hitch!
1. Plan A Menu - Make sure to choose dishes you know people can/will eat! Be sure to avoid any food allergies your friends may have and if you do have things with allergens be sure to keep them separate and labeled well! Our group of friends tends to do a pitch in style get together so we typically throw around ideas of what we will bring via text beforehand so we avoid having three of the same thing.
2. Decide On Any Décor - You know I love an excuse to decorate! For the dinner this evening, I haven't done anything special but I did make sure to have our Christmas décor out! If we had gotten together before Thanksgiving, I probably would have tried some ideas I have found on Pinterest.
3. Move Furniture Around/Add Additional Tables/Chairs - Depending on your house or apartment you may want to rearrange furniture to allow for guests to mingle comfortably all in one area. Our eat-in kitchen opens to the living room so we considered borrowing an extra table and chairs for our get together but decided we could make it work without it this time since 5 or 6 couldn't come. We did move some extra chairs around to the living room to add additional seating there.
3. Make A Timeline For Day Of Prep and Cooking - Plan out each hour of the day (even if it's just relaxation time) so you don't get caught up in something and end up not prepared for guests to start arriving!
4. Enjoy spending time with your friends and family! I love getting together with our friends because it's such a nice time to just sit and chat with everyone and catch up. So many of our friends in town have kids so it's also great getting watch as they grow older.
Find some helpful pins on my Holiday Get Togethers: From Friendsgiving to New Year's Eve Pinterest board here.
Hosting the get together is our day three activity in our advent activities!
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