Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wyatt and I actually met back our freshman year of college.  We both lived in the same dorm.  He lived on the guys floor that my floor mates and I were always on hanging out.  I was friends with several of the guys on his floor but I never got to be too good of friends with Wyatt that first year.  Fast forward to our sophomore year when we realized we lived in neighboring apartment buildings! We began to talk more and more and hang out some.  Wyatt became one of my very good friends over the course of that year and the rest of my years at IU.  In fact, besides some buddies of mine from home that I saw the night before I moved out of Bloomington, he was one of the last friends that I said goodbye to down there (we met for a drink at Sports!).  We continued to chat and text even after we both moved out of Bloomington. I have shared the story so many times about how I casually suggested, almost as a joke, that he get tickets to a music festival on January and he seriously took me up on that suggestion! The rest is history.  We've been on many adventures together over the last 6 years!

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our first picture together as a couple!

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our first Forecastle

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Had to take a moment to get a photo in front of the dorm we lived in freshman year.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Celebrating 2 years together with a weekend getaway in Louisville.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our second Forecastle together.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our first summer vacation together.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our third Forecastle together.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Winter weekend road trip to the northeast!

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Weekend trip to California for Wyatt's Aunt's retirement party!

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
We have been going to Clegg Garden on dates since before I moved to Lafayette.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our first Hangout Festival.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met
Our first international trip together.

Wedding Wednesday: How We Met

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