Junior League: Around the Community, Around the Clock

One our projects in the Junior League of Indianapolis is an event we call Around the Community, Around the Clock where we volunteer continuously around the community an hour for each of the years we have been a league.  This year, the provisionals were given the chance to serve on this committee.  Our event kicked off on Wednesday evening and went through Sunday! I attended our membership meeting on Thursday evening and then I began some of my volunteer hours.  We wrote notes of encouragement for students about to take the ISTEP which would later be put into little treat bags.  At the office I worked on a project for the United Way of Central Indiana where we label books with their proper reading labels as part of the organization's ReadUp initiative.  When we were through with that project, I began working on making some masks for the Little Red Door Cancer Agency. We worked into the wee hours of the morning and I finally made it home and to be at about 3:15 a.m.!

I treated myself to a movie matinee the next day after a long day/night in Indianapolis and prepared myself to head back for a fun event at the Indianapolis Central Library on Saturday morning.  We volunteered at the Read IN event supporting Reach Out and Read Indiana.  There were so many fun activities for children to participate in like story time, crafts, face painting, and performances. Children participated in the events and then got a prescription to read from pediatricians who were participating in the event! Congresswoman Susan Brooks was also there volunteering her time to read to children.  She is a fellow League member and we got lucky enough to chat with her and snap a couple of pictures before she left.  It was a great event for the community and encouraged the importance of reading!

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