Weekend Recap

We spent the weekend traveling through southern Indiana and Kentucky and spending time with family.  We visited with my Papaw before we went to my cousin's high school graduation and grad party.  Good luck at IU, Hunter! We're proud of you!

The next morning we had a belated Mother's Day celebration at my parents house since we weren't all able to get together on Mother's Day.  We had breakfast, gifts, spent time in my parents' gardens, and had lunch at Mi Pueblo!  After that, Wyatt and I made the trip to Radcliff, Kentucky.  We had a beautiful memorial service for his grandparents and laid them to rest at the Kentucky Veterans Cemetery there.  We spent hours visiting with his Pa's family after the service before making the trek back up to Lafayette.  It was so nice to get that time with family that Wyatt hadn't seen in years and I got to finally meet some of the people his Pa had told numerous stories about.

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