The Surfjohn Stevens Christmas Sing-a-long Seasonal Affective Disorder Yuletide Pageant on Ice

I had Friday off from work thanks to some handy vacation time.  I began my day by stopping in Bloomington on the way to Indianapolis.  I got to stop by campus just long enough for a photo opp. and made a quick stop at TIS before traveling up 37 to Indy.

Allison and I did some Christmas shopping during the day.  She took me to Irvington, my first time, and we shopped at a cute little store before eating pizza at Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza.  I highly recommend the Slaughter House Five pizza. It was delicious.  After Irvington, we headed to the north side to do some more shopping.  We grabbed a quick dinner after shopping and then headed over to the Murat for the concert.

It was an excellent show.  He played several of his own Christmas songs along with a few traditional hymns sprinkled here and there. Then it was the audience's turn to sing-a-long to whatever song the "Wheel of Christmas" landed on.  After a couple of songs, he played some more of his Christmas stuff, a couple of hymns, and one of his regular songs.  They ended the regular set with a twelve or so minute song, Christmas Unicorn, complete with costume, confetti, and balloons in the crowd.  For the encore, he performed four acoustic songs off his album, "Illinoise," and ended with the song "Chicago".  I had so much fun!

After the concert Allison and I went to the Circle to see the lights since I'd not ever been there during the Holidays.  It's even prettier in person.

Happy Holidays,

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