Sisters Day Trip: the Dunes and County Line Orchard

Happy Fall Y'all!  Allison and I took a day trip up north to the dunes on Lake Michigan.  We met up with one of her college friends for lunch at the Rolling Stonebaker, a pizza food truck parked in Beverly Shores.  It was so good!  
After lunch Tessa took us over to the Century of Progress Historic District and saw the houses built for the 1933 World's Fair that was held in Chicago.  We walked around at street level and on the beach for a bit before Tessa had to leave us.
After we left the Century of Progress neighborhood, Allison and I went over to the visitor's center for the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  We both, of course, had to get a passport stamp for our National Parks passports.  We explored the dunes a little bit and lucked out with some gorgeous sunshine.

After the dunes, we spent some time at the County Line Orchard in Hobart.  Pumpkin Spice and Apple Spice donuts are amazing and totally worth the forty-five minute wait in line.  It ended up being quite a pretty afternoon as we wondered through the orchard.

Before we headed south, we had dinner in Munster at 3 Floyds.  We picked up a couple of bottles for Wyatt and Allison's friends and enjoyed a Zombie Dust with our meal.

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