Date Night: Purdue Series on Corporate Citizenship and Ethics

Last night Wyatt and I took advantage of living in Lafayette and attended a lecture at Purdue.  We went to a Purdue Series on Corporate Citizenship and Ethics that featured Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia.  Before heading over to Purdue, we had a quick dinner at Dog N Suds!  It was so nice yesterday that I wanted to enjoy something spring/summer-like.

After dinner, we drove over to campus and went into the lecture at Loeb Playhouse.  It was quite interesting to hear him speak about Wikipedia.  We really enjoyed the event.  After the lecture we stopped at Greyhouse Coffee Shop for some gelato.  I got the creme de minthe chip.  It was amazingly good!

I cannot wait to go back a try more from their menu!  The crepes sound amazing!

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