Sisters Day Trip: Chicago and County Line Orchard

Allison and I decided to make the trip back to County Line Orchard after enjoying our trip last year. It was a gorgeous day up and when we were getting closer, we decide to take the trip ahead on in to Chicago for lunch at Shake Shack.  It was an absolutely perfect day in the city! I'm longing to go back now just looking at my pictures.

After lunch and bit of walking around, we hit the road for Hobart.  We got to County Line Orchard and immediately got in line to get the donuts we fell in love with last year. I still can't decide which are my favorite but I think it's the apple spiced donuts.  After we loaded our cart with wayyyy too much food, we went to the orchard in search of so apples. Unfortunately the type I wanted looked less than stellar so I opted to stop back in the barn to buy a bag of them.

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