Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day filled with love.  Wyatt is whisking me off on another Valentine's Day/Birthday vacation (last year we went to Cleveland and Buffalo!) so I planned a special night for him last weekend.  Unfortunately, I was feeling a bit under the weather so we took a rain check on the takeout from one of our favorite ethnic restaurants in town.  My plan for the night used some of the tips from my post last week on Valentine's that were not your standard flowers, candy, and dinner out.  I created an itinerary for the evening using the graphics I created a couple of years ago. There were 4 stages to what I had planned for us but due to not feeling the best, we ended up not really completing much.    I did however make us those strawberry moscow mules that I shared the link to last week complete with heart strawberries! It seems like every few years I am sick on or around Valentine's Day/my birthday.  I've learned I have to go with the flow (even if I do apologize profusely at the time). We'll have to have a post-valentine's day date in sometime in the near future and follow the itinerary completely.

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