Be The Good

I cannot believe that it's already 2018! As with the end of a year and start to a fresh new year, I have been reflecting on the last year and looking forward to what a new year will bring.  At the start of 2017, I set some personal goals.  Mainly I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone and be a woman who actively gave back to her community and tried to better the world.  It can sometimes be a struggle to see the good in people and this world when it seems like you read about senseless acts of violence, bigotry, oppression, etc. on a daily basis but I wanted to set out to be one positive impact. 

I approached this in a couple of ways.  After attending the Indianapolis Women's March, I was full of determination to make my voice heard.  I began writing my elected officials on a far more regular basis.  I tapped into a local scene and found a community of like-minded individuals across the country out to make a difference and encourage and inspire others.

Another thing I took on was donating a small amount each month to organizations I truly believe make a difference! Admittedly, I was not successful in keeping up with this goal but I did manage to make a few different small donations throughout the year.  I chose to donate to organizations like Planned Parenthood that help provide basic reproductive healthcare to millions of people; but also a scholarship fund at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University (my alma mater) where future policy makers, researchers, environmental advocates, etc. are going to earn their education and to the Dear Jack Foundation, an organization that supports initiative and provides programming that directly benefits adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer to create more positive health outcomes and an improved quality of life for all young adults fighting cancer.

I looked around for opportunities to give back in the form of service and volunteerism and decided to really step outside of my comfort zone and join the Junior League of Indianapolis.  Indy has been adopted as my second city.  I love the city and the communities in it so this seemed like a great idea! I'm halfway through my provisional year and I am so glad that I took the leap and joined! I have met some amazing women, took part in training opportunities, and volunteered for organization in the community.  My placement to round out my provisional year is our Around the Community, Around the Clock event this spring where Junior League members will volunteer for 96 consecutive hours! I'm looking forward to an upcoming volunteer opportunity at Gleaner's Food Bank.

Another thing that doesn't sound like it should take me out of my comfort zone but actually really does is that I finally added myself to a bone marrow donor registry! I have literally struggled with whether or not to do this for over 10 years! I'm sure I've mentioned my admiration for the musician Andrew McMahon and his battle with leukemia when I was in high school.  It still rattles my nerves but after reading a touching personal story by a college acquaintance's sister who was deep in her battle with leukemia I just knew I had to get swabbed! I signed up through DKMS, got my kit in the mail and sent it in to be added. 

Overall, I am trying to learn more about other demographics and how I might be of help to others.  Wyatt and I attended an event during 'Welcoming Week' hosted by the Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies (we also chose to donate to this organization this year).  I find that learning about others makes it easier to not only serve them, but also just to be nice to everyone and make positive impacts.

While I don't make resolutions, I do have some goals for the future.  I want to continue to challenge myself to be the positive changes I long to see in the world in 2018.  I want to continue to serve others while becoming more attuned to their worries and struggles but also heir joys, faith, and uniqueness.  I want to connect to my communities in a way that makes us both grow.  I feel good about my commitment to my goals from 2017 and strive to reach these goals again in 2018.

Happy new year!

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