White Sox vs. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

Wyatt gave his dad tickets to the White Sox vs. Brewers game for a family outing as part of Steve's retirement gift.  The four of us made it up to the city in time to grab lunch in the surrounding neighborhood at a place called Nana.  It was such a cute little place.  Their menus feature local, organic, sustainable and seasonal products! We tried the empenadas to start and they were great! They had ground beef and olives inside with a chimichurri sauce for dipping.  For lunch I got the plantain sandwich.  Instead of bread it was on plantains! It was such a good combination of different foods to make the sandwich.

Nana, an organic and sustainable restuarant in Chicago

Nana, an organic and sustainable restuarant in Chicago

Nana, an organic and sustainable restuarant in Chicago

We made our way over to the stadium and found our seats in the outfield.  It started out as a really overcast and cloudy day but by the end of the game it was sunny with only a few clouds in the blue skies.  It was a fun outing even though the Sox couldn't pull off the win this time!

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

White Sox v. Brewers

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