Next Generation of Hoosiers

Well, we can certainly all at least hope these boys grow up to be Hoosiers like us!  On Sunday we met at Devin and Jake's house to hang out with Dana, Reid, & Jessica (and Massie came too!). The last time I saw Reid, he was just a week or so old.  He's changed a lot in 18 months to say the least.  It was so good to get to play with Carter and Reid AND get to catch up with all the adults.

Carter was so much fun to play with while we waited on the rest of the girls!
Trying to get a group picture outside= easier said than done.
Our outtakes are quite amusing.

Trying to get a good group picture with us four girls + two little boys= pretty difficult.


And to the four of us are just six years ago this July at the John Mayer concert that Dana drove us to Indy for the weekend. Oh, how time flies!

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