Farmers' Market Saturdays

We love our local farmers' market!  Life has been busy lately so last weekend was the first chance we had to go to our market this year but we took full advantage of the morning.  We grabbed some fresh produce, some break and yummy baked goods, and lamb chops!

Sangria Tea from Scone and Doilies was delish!

We also took the opportunity to check out some of the art downtown.  They have been working on a project on our Main Street that had me avoiding the area because of construction but it's turned out so nice.  They bumped out the sidewalks to allow for some of the restaurant to have outdoor seating.  Since I hadn't been downtown much for quite some time, it was fun to find some new (at least new to me) alley art.  There are also a couple of new sculptures and murals throughout the downtown area.  I can't wait to go back downtown and check everything else out!

And although this is not new, it's still one of my favorites to come to our downtown area.

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